Currently the State Command now has a Medical Operations section that is overseen not only by the State Commander , and the State Medical Commander . Currently we now have an upgraded basic Combat Life Saver and an Advanced US Army Combat Life Saver course
the basic CLS course is $ 100.00 the Advanced Army Combat Life Saver course is $ 200.00 course is both can be taken for $ 375.00 or taken separately unless the person is already medical professional pretty much the cost of printing and shipping to take the Combat Life Saver get hold of either Communications or the State Commander .
The syllabus include :
* Basic Bandaging.
* Basic treatments of wounds and injuries.
* Gunshots large and small caliber
* Environmental Emergencies
* Burns
* Nerve agents / NBC
* Cpr
*Needle decompression
*Blast injuries
* Oxygen Therapy
and other combat Life saver procedures as spelled out
in the US Army Combat Life Saver Manual and the Falcon Tactical Medical 1 day Immediate Action Course.
the basic CLS course is $ 100.00 the Advanced Army Combat Life Saver course is $ 200.00 course is both can be taken for $ 375.00 or taken separately unless the person is already medical professional pretty much the cost of printing and shipping to take the Combat Life Saver get hold of either Communications or the State Commander .
The syllabus include :
* Basic Bandaging.
* Basic treatments of wounds and injuries.
* Gunshots large and small caliber
* Environmental Emergencies
* Burns
* Nerve agents / NBC
* Cpr
*Needle decompression
*Blast injuries
* Oxygen Therapy
and other combat Life saver procedures as spelled out
in the US Army Combat Life Saver Manual and the Falcon Tactical Medical 1 day Immediate Action Course.